Yup, still in John. Now I've made it to chapter 20 which is where I'll be coming from today. There's so much in there I can't ignore but must share. Sometimes I think we look at the resurrection of Jesus and play it off. We pay much attention to Jesus' life, which is extremely important. From His life He shows us exactly what God wants, what He's been talking about from the beginning. The perfect example is found in Jesus. However, if He didn't rise from the dead, our hope would be in a good man instead of a Savior. He's done what no one else could ever do in His life. He's also done what is necessary to reconcile us to God.
The account of His resurrection shows me something, another truth about what Jesus came to do. Little phrases Jesus says during His first few appearances to His disciples and Mary Magdalene teaches and continues the work He came to do. Check it out.
Mary shows up at the tomb while it's still dark, early in the morning. Can't see very well, but does notice that Jesus' body is gone. She rushes and tells the disciples and John and Peter run out to see for themselves. John gets there and stoops in to look. One of the commentators I've read mentions something that gives a little more of a real scenario to me. "Are you going to go down into a tomb while it's still dark?" I'm thinking, not me. Let's face it, tombs and death aren't really things we like to hang around for long periods of time in the dark. It's creepy. But aside from that, the disciples didn't know if the supposed thieves were still around. Peter doesn't seem to care though. He goes right in. John lets him. It's more comfortable with two, so John goes in too and sees the cloths there and the face wrap folded nicely lying away from the rest of the grave clothes. I've got to tell you, that's weird. And I think if Jesus' body was stolen, the thieves wouldn't be so nice and polite as to fold the cloth that covered His face. The disciples leave without saying a word of comfort to Mary as she arrives once again.
Mary, a devoted follower of Jesus, her Master's body is missing. She just wants to keep the respect due her Leader. She looks in again and see two angels sitting in there and they ask her why she's crying. She wants to know where Jesus' body is. Jesus shows up, but through her tears and sorrow, and because it's dark and hard to see, she doesn't recognize Him. He asks her the same, and also a question He used earlier before He went to trial: "Who are you looking for?" "Just tell me where He is so I can go and get Him! Let Him rest in peace! I don't want any trouble." Jesus calls her name. She knows.
Now, the coolest thing about this is what Jesus says from then on. He says He is going to ascend to His Father and your Father, His God and your God. That's awesome! Do you see what happened? The way has been made to the Father! For the first time after His resurrection, Jesus is looking on a believer who's sin has been completely atoned for! Jesus' Father is our Father! Jesus' God is our God! The way has been made! Jesus just can't contain Himself! He has to say it! Some of His first recorded words after the work has been completed. "My Father and your Father, my God and your God."
A short while later Jesus shows up to His disciples in a room that was locked. His first words are also very cool. "Peace be unto you!" Wow. Again, so thrilled that the way has been made, He has come, grace is available, He declares PEACE!!! Jesus shows them who He is and that it's really Him, then He says is again. Then He sends them out with that message. "As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you." Basically, peace is available to all who will believe, I've declared it, and now you will declare it! The way has been made! He has come to give us peace between the God of Justice, peace from the wrath we deserve, peace from the enemy we've created by our sin!
I've been reading another book alongside my studies to challenge my faith. It's called Radical by David Platt. Normally I'm not into books that spend time bashing the church because the church is the body of Christ. Us beating it up isn't going to help it get in shape. We are responsible for using God's Word for correcting and training in righteousness. Sometimes correction hurts, but if you come and punch my bride, think of the trouble you have brought on yourself! Now think about doing that to Jesus' bride! This one doesn't do it as some others that I've unfortunately read. David does a good job exposing truth and the difference between the principles of God and our failed attempts in explaining them to make them our own. I do agree that some of the basic principles found in God's Word have been dumbed down and reduced to something we want to digest instead of how God intended us to be different from the world.
In the second chapter of his book there's a statement that make things more plain to me about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It goes something like this: we can't get to God because He already came to us. Deep down, I think that's so very true of myself. I've been spending time trying to get to God when He is already here! He is living in me! Why am I still working to earn His grace? Why is my work not done just because of my love for Him and the peace that He's given? Do I even understand and realize what Jesus came to do? Do I value the peace as much as He does as shown in the account of His resurrection?
This Peace is great and worthy of attention! It is not to be taken for granted but built upon. If peace has been established with anyone, abandon all else to live in The Peace, Jesus!
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word "worship"? It is more than music and song, it is a lifestyle that brings honor and glory to God.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Side of Truth
What is truth? That famous question from Pilate to Jesus left unanswered in that moment. Just a few verses back Jesus tells us what truth is: God's Word. At the beginning of his gospel, John explains Who the Word is: Jesus. Jesus tells Pilate that He came to testify to the truth. Pilate asked for it, then walked away. He had opportunity to know for himself what (or Who) truth is!
The application point comes from the next sentence though. As a Christ-follower, the words are spoken through a megaphone: "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:37)
Well, I claim to be on the side of truth. God has made a difference in my life through Jesus. But there are those moments when I hear Him instead of listen to Him. The voices we become familiar with we can pick out of a crowd hearing just one tone. I know the sound of my children's cry, each individual differently. When one of them gets hurt and begins to cry, I can tell who it is. If I'm looking for my wife and can't find her, I can use my ears and tell where she is just by the familiar tone in her voice. Do I listen for Jesus the same way? Does the truth stick out like my child's cry amidst a crowd of children? Can I tell the difference between the truth and the lie? Am I familiar with that voice?
Jesus has already testified to the truth. We know it and can learn more truth by looking into the Word. (I think I posted something about the Word being Jesus before. But I couldn't find it to link to it here. Basically it goes something like this: if Jesus is the Word, and the Word of God is the Bible, can it be that every time we look into the Bible we are looking into Jesus' face?) Jesus set the perfect example of what truth looks like. The message of the gospel spells clearly what God intended from the beginning. The truth is that we're in desperate need of a Savior, and the Savior has come to save!
I believe. I'm on the side of truth. Now, being a part of this kingdom from another place, how familiar am I with the King's voice? Listen. Listen for Him. If I'm on His side then I should know what He says, how He talks, and should be able to tell the difference between His voice and the enemy's. Get familiar.
The application point comes from the next sentence though. As a Christ-follower, the words are spoken through a megaphone: "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:37)
Well, I claim to be on the side of truth. God has made a difference in my life through Jesus. But there are those moments when I hear Him instead of listen to Him. The voices we become familiar with we can pick out of a crowd hearing just one tone. I know the sound of my children's cry, each individual differently. When one of them gets hurt and begins to cry, I can tell who it is. If I'm looking for my wife and can't find her, I can use my ears and tell where she is just by the familiar tone in her voice. Do I listen for Jesus the same way? Does the truth stick out like my child's cry amidst a crowd of children? Can I tell the difference between the truth and the lie? Am I familiar with that voice?
Jesus has already testified to the truth. We know it and can learn more truth by looking into the Word. (I think I posted something about the Word being Jesus before. But I couldn't find it to link to it here. Basically it goes something like this: if Jesus is the Word, and the Word of God is the Bible, can it be that every time we look into the Bible we are looking into Jesus' face?) Jesus set the perfect example of what truth looks like. The message of the gospel spells clearly what God intended from the beginning. The truth is that we're in desperate need of a Savior, and the Savior has come to save!
I believe. I'm on the side of truth. Now, being a part of this kingdom from another place, how familiar am I with the King's voice? Listen. Listen for Him. If I'm on His side then I should know what He says, how He talks, and should be able to tell the difference between His voice and the enemy's. Get familiar.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Psalm 16
Psalm 16
New International Version (NIV)
Psalm 16
A miktam of David. 1 Keep me safe, my God,for in you I take refuge.
2 I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.”
3 I say of the holy people who are in the land,
“They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”
4 Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more.
I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods
or take up their names on my lips.
5 LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Jesus on Trial
Okay, I couldn't come up with any title that fit well with what I'm going to convey. All I can say is that when Jesus went to trial before Annas the high priest, I feel like Annas sometimes. This has everything to do with the trial Jesus had and what I'm learning about myself. John 18:19-24.
This is the scene. Jesus has been arrested. He is taken to the Jewish high priest, Annas. He's being questioned about his teachings and disciples. I think Annas is looking for some way to trip up Jesus in His words because they have not ever been able to find anything wrong with Him. Jealousy has become a bitter friend to this guy. His Messiah was supposed to be pleased with all his efforts to live rightly. But Jesus, the true Messiah, rebuked him in public and exposed his heart. Anyone who's been exposed might have a similar reaction. But I believe deep down Annas knew exactly who Jesus was and didn't like it. When Jesus exposes something that needs changing in our lives, do we like it?
Jesus doesn't want anything to do with this ridiculous questioning but appeals to the way things should be done in the first place: testimonies of those affected by His teaching and miracles. He makes no secret, never has, and isn't about to be tried falsely for having some secret agenda. He's taught publicly. Everyone knows what He said.
The police in the court didn't like the way the judge was addressed and struck Jesus in face! I think we see in Jesus' response how He is still in control of the situation. Once again, exposing what the truth of this sketchy trial is all about. "If I spoke wrong, tell the court what it was. If I spoke what was right, why did you hit me?"
Annas is faced with an important decision. Jesus exposed him again. What to do with Jesus? Annas sends Him away to Caiaphas, the man the Romans appointed as high priest. (The Romans conquered Israel and one way for them to maintain control was to take over their religion. They allowed the Jews to keep their religion, but took authority as to who would be high priest. That's why there were two. The Law of the Old Testament gave the command that there should be one high priest. So the Jews recognized Annas as the high priest even though the Romans appointed Caiaphas. Weird, I know.)
Sometimes, I feel like I'm Annas. I look for anything in God's Word that will let me do what I want to bring myself a gratification. But when it comes time for the confrontation of Jesus, I arrest Him and put Him on trial before myself, as if I have any authority at all. Jesus has exposed my sin, the dark places in my heart, the real reason He's on trial today. I don't like it. I don't want to see those places. I would rather forget instead of deal with them. Maybe these efforts of mine is enough. Why does He have to be in control? But when He declares in the midst of my sketchy court, "I've spoken openly. You know what I said," I'm faced with a decision to make: what am I going to do with Jesus? Unfortunately, I respond and slap Him in the face. "How dare you talk that way to me! I'm in control of my life and can make my own decisions!" Jesus looks at me and says, "Have I spoken wrongly that you slap me in the face? Or did I tell you the truth?" I send Him away for a moment.
For a moment? Really? Is this the way I'm going to live this life, send Him away for a little bit and run back to Him once I've finished? So much energy wasted in myself! If I believe God to be true to His Word, why is Jesus on trial in my heart? Why do I spend time with the sin that distracts my pursuit of God? Either I'm all in with Him or not at all. Jesus asks for the whole thing.
Expose those dark places in my heart, Lord. Please, take over. You're not trial with me anymore. No more testing, no more looking for some hidden agenda when You've told me plainly. I know what You've asked for. I know what You've said! You're here to mess up this life I've called my own to bring in something much greater. Please, forgive me for striking You in the face over and over again. I repent! I want to... Please give me strength to repent, to quit it. I believe the message You've spoken. Now, Lord, I trust in Your strength through my weakness to overcome. You're in control.
This is the scene. Jesus has been arrested. He is taken to the Jewish high priest, Annas. He's being questioned about his teachings and disciples. I think Annas is looking for some way to trip up Jesus in His words because they have not ever been able to find anything wrong with Him. Jealousy has become a bitter friend to this guy. His Messiah was supposed to be pleased with all his efforts to live rightly. But Jesus, the true Messiah, rebuked him in public and exposed his heart. Anyone who's been exposed might have a similar reaction. But I believe deep down Annas knew exactly who Jesus was and didn't like it. When Jesus exposes something that needs changing in our lives, do we like it?
Jesus doesn't want anything to do with this ridiculous questioning but appeals to the way things should be done in the first place: testimonies of those affected by His teaching and miracles. He makes no secret, never has, and isn't about to be tried falsely for having some secret agenda. He's taught publicly. Everyone knows what He said.
The police in the court didn't like the way the judge was addressed and struck Jesus in face! I think we see in Jesus' response how He is still in control of the situation. Once again, exposing what the truth of this sketchy trial is all about. "If I spoke wrong, tell the court what it was. If I spoke what was right, why did you hit me?"
Annas is faced with an important decision. Jesus exposed him again. What to do with Jesus? Annas sends Him away to Caiaphas, the man the Romans appointed as high priest. (The Romans conquered Israel and one way for them to maintain control was to take over their religion. They allowed the Jews to keep their religion, but took authority as to who would be high priest. That's why there were two. The Law of the Old Testament gave the command that there should be one high priest. So the Jews recognized Annas as the high priest even though the Romans appointed Caiaphas. Weird, I know.)
Sometimes, I feel like I'm Annas. I look for anything in God's Word that will let me do what I want to bring myself a gratification. But when it comes time for the confrontation of Jesus, I arrest Him and put Him on trial before myself, as if I have any authority at all. Jesus has exposed my sin, the dark places in my heart, the real reason He's on trial today. I don't like it. I don't want to see those places. I would rather forget instead of deal with them. Maybe these efforts of mine is enough. Why does He have to be in control? But when He declares in the midst of my sketchy court, "I've spoken openly. You know what I said," I'm faced with a decision to make: what am I going to do with Jesus? Unfortunately, I respond and slap Him in the face. "How dare you talk that way to me! I'm in control of my life and can make my own decisions!" Jesus looks at me and says, "Have I spoken wrongly that you slap me in the face? Or did I tell you the truth?" I send Him away for a moment.
For a moment? Really? Is this the way I'm going to live this life, send Him away for a little bit and run back to Him once I've finished? So much energy wasted in myself! If I believe God to be true to His Word, why is Jesus on trial in my heart? Why do I spend time with the sin that distracts my pursuit of God? Either I'm all in with Him or not at all. Jesus asks for the whole thing.
Expose those dark places in my heart, Lord. Please, take over. You're not trial with me anymore. No more testing, no more looking for some hidden agenda when You've told me plainly. I know what You've asked for. I know what You've said! You're here to mess up this life I've called my own to bring in something much greater. Please, forgive me for striking You in the face over and over again. I repent! I want to... Please give me strength to repent, to quit it. I believe the message You've spoken. Now, Lord, I trust in Your strength through my weakness to overcome. You're in control.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Unwavering Unity
John 17 once again. I'm going through verses 20-26. Jesus' prayer is so important to me. We see here a glimpse of what He longs for in His church. I really want to understand what He is praying, and even for me in this passage, so that I can live up to what He desires. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I can answer His prayer. But God can work through me to answer what He prayed for. This is important and necessary as a Christ-follower to understand. With His prayer beginning by proclaiming the strong desire (and that word doesn't even give it justice) for God wanting a relationship with me, I can come to a point in understanding what He desires for His church and for me to do as His child, as one sharing in the glory of Christ, as one continuing His purpose and mission He began on earth.
Unity. We long for it. People do anything for it. And I think the church looks for it too. But the unity isn't found in the methods or styles, but in the relationship we share with God in Christ. We all have our likes and dislikes. There will always be differing opinions. And because of Jesus, we should all be on the same side. If unity fails in the church, so does our witness. People can't believe in a divided cause or find comfort from the hurt the world gives in a place where peace does not exist. Breaking off from what we don't agree on is an easy thing to do. It's tempting. But God calls us to live in peace with one another; to do all we can to live and establish the bond of peace. The church has long been known as the Bride of Christ. One Bride, not multiple. Even Jesus mentioned that divided kingdom cannot stand. Disrupting unity is a weapon of the enemy. We have something in common--relationship with Jesus. Focus on growing that and unity has more than just a chance. Could you imagine the witness and impact God's church would have on the world if we all held on to the unity of the Love of God?!
Finally, at the end of the prayer, the mission continues in us as the revealers of God's love to the world. Jesus finished His work and now we are to continue it. We're not alone but united in the love of God. The relationship we share and that He came to establish with us through the cross is simply the greatest realization we could ever know.
Jesus mentions something even more miraculous: God's love living in us. Jesus living in us. The deeper we get in our relationship with God, the love continues to grow and the more we become a true representation of the gospel to the world. I can see an example of this in my marriage. I love my wife and my wife loves me. The more we love each other, we become aware of likes and dislikes, of personalities and how we can bring joy to each other. And everyone around us can see the love we share with one another and that we belong to each other. Same with God. The more we love each other, or the more we come to understand God's love for us, the more we grow in our love for Him, and He becomes more evident in our lives. We learn how to bring Him joy and take joy in the gift He has given. The world can see that we belong to God. Imagine the church so lost in the love of God, found in unity because of Jesus revealing God to us!
One more thing before I end this post. I have to be honest. This whole prayer seems to stem from the first few sentences on the importance of the relationship with God. It's what God wants with us. It's why He created us. I'm not sure if I'm to a place where I completely understand its importance, but now I know. I've known for a while. I want to know more.
It seems like the glory Jesus is talking about throughout this prayer is the relationship that has now been established because of the cross. Then He mentions seeing Him in His glory. I want that. But the glory we share because of the glory of the cross brings the display of faith, or evidence of faith, out to its fullest because we don't see Him now. What a reward to receive! To finally, after the grueling years of life on this earth, having spent a lifetime or just a few years in the glory of the relationship, can we see the glory of God in a physical way! I want that! Oh the sin that has entangled this life of mine from fully coming to a close relationship with my Father! It's time to grow! It's time!
Unity. We long for it. People do anything for it. And I think the church looks for it too. But the unity isn't found in the methods or styles, but in the relationship we share with God in Christ. We all have our likes and dislikes. There will always be differing opinions. And because of Jesus, we should all be on the same side. If unity fails in the church, so does our witness. People can't believe in a divided cause or find comfort from the hurt the world gives in a place where peace does not exist. Breaking off from what we don't agree on is an easy thing to do. It's tempting. But God calls us to live in peace with one another; to do all we can to live and establish the bond of peace. The church has long been known as the Bride of Christ. One Bride, not multiple. Even Jesus mentioned that divided kingdom cannot stand. Disrupting unity is a weapon of the enemy. We have something in common--relationship with Jesus. Focus on growing that and unity has more than just a chance. Could you imagine the witness and impact God's church would have on the world if we all held on to the unity of the Love of God?!
Finally, at the end of the prayer, the mission continues in us as the revealers of God's love to the world. Jesus finished His work and now we are to continue it. We're not alone but united in the love of God. The relationship we share and that He came to establish with us through the cross is simply the greatest realization we could ever know.
Jesus mentions something even more miraculous: God's love living in us. Jesus living in us. The deeper we get in our relationship with God, the love continues to grow and the more we become a true representation of the gospel to the world. I can see an example of this in my marriage. I love my wife and my wife loves me. The more we love each other, we become aware of likes and dislikes, of personalities and how we can bring joy to each other. And everyone around us can see the love we share with one another and that we belong to each other. Same with God. The more we love each other, or the more we come to understand God's love for us, the more we grow in our love for Him, and He becomes more evident in our lives. We learn how to bring Him joy and take joy in the gift He has given. The world can see that we belong to God. Imagine the church so lost in the love of God, found in unity because of Jesus revealing God to us!
One more thing before I end this post. I have to be honest. This whole prayer seems to stem from the first few sentences on the importance of the relationship with God. It's what God wants with us. It's why He created us. I'm not sure if I'm to a place where I completely understand its importance, but now I know. I've known for a while. I want to know more.
It seems like the glory Jesus is talking about throughout this prayer is the relationship that has now been established because of the cross. Then He mentions seeing Him in His glory. I want that. But the glory we share because of the glory of the cross brings the display of faith, or evidence of faith, out to its fullest because we don't see Him now. What a reward to receive! To finally, after the grueling years of life on this earth, having spent a lifetime or just a few years in the glory of the relationship, can we see the glory of God in a physical way! I want that! Oh the sin that has entangled this life of mine from fully coming to a close relationship with my Father! It's time to grow! It's time!
...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1b-3 NIV)When it gets tough, even though I'm still in the world, I must remember I'm not a part of it but separate. If I don't think it's possible to overcome, remember that Jesus went to the cross and overcame. If I think I'm alone in the struggle, remember there's a large group of people who've already gone through this and have now received the glory Jesus was talking about. When I lose my focus, remember that Jesus died for this relationship with me, and no one else has ever done that. If God valued me so much as to allow His only Son to go to the cross to pay the price for my relationship with Him, all the more should I value His love and purpose for me! I'm united with Christ! Church, unite in the love!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
This Sanctification Thing
I'm getting lost in Jesus' prayer before He went to the cross (John 17). It seems like He's talking in circles. Maybe He is. The power of God's name intrigues me. It's powerful enough to protect, bring unity, give joy, and display truth. It calls us out of what we know into something we might not be too sure of.
My previous post talked about Jesus' definition of eternal life. It's knowing God and Jesus. Living eternally calls me out of things I know and am familiar with into a deep relationship with God, a relationship with Someone I can only see evidence of. The miracle of the cross has probably been taken for granted in a lot of ways. I don't think about it much. Jesus thought highly about it. He came to perform a miracle none of us can see the result of until it's all over. But we can know it. He says that He wants joy to be complete in His followers. Joy that comes just from knowing our relationship with God; that we have one.
Because I have a relationship with God, He has called me out of the world. I'm no longer a part of it. Things that once were important to me no longer have any value. What I value now above all other things is my relationship with God and to know Him and His Son, Jesus. I believe God sent Him to make the first move toward a relationship with me. True purpose comes to my life because now I see what I was truly made for; an unbroken and unhindered relationship with God. I'm also to remain in the world however long and not be a part of it.
One thing I have to ask. How does God's name protect us? What kind of "protect" is Jesus talking about? He says protection from the evil one. I wonder...when I make a claim to know God and to be building a relationship with Him, those moments I decide to be a part of the world instead of be apart from it, does the name no longer protect? The unity God so desperately wants between us and Him and His people, does it all break down when we look the same as the world instead of apart from it? I read something in my studies: "Loss of holiness is a loss of joy and truth, and too often results in a complete casualty in the battle." How can unity stand in the moments I fall down to the earthy things and worship them by desiring what makes me feel good for a moment, those deceivingly attractive lures of the enemy? What happens to the church? How can God protect me by the power of His name when I don't take joy in the relationship He came to establish with me, at the sacrifice He made for me? God forgive for spitting in your face too!
It's time to live differently. When the enemy is around the corner, I must attack him. Take joy in the relationship God paid for with His Son. Jesus set Himself apart from the world at the ultimate price so that I can be too. How can I get set apart? Well, sanctification comes from truth. God's word is truth. How do I know what God wants? Listen to His word. He tells me how to do it. His word sets me apart. And His word helps me develop that relationship He came to begin.
My previous post talked about Jesus' definition of eternal life. It's knowing God and Jesus. Living eternally calls me out of things I know and am familiar with into a deep relationship with God, a relationship with Someone I can only see evidence of. The miracle of the cross has probably been taken for granted in a lot of ways. I don't think about it much. Jesus thought highly about it. He came to perform a miracle none of us can see the result of until it's all over. But we can know it. He says that He wants joy to be complete in His followers. Joy that comes just from knowing our relationship with God; that we have one.
Because I have a relationship with God, He has called me out of the world. I'm no longer a part of it. Things that once were important to me no longer have any value. What I value now above all other things is my relationship with God and to know Him and His Son, Jesus. I believe God sent Him to make the first move toward a relationship with me. True purpose comes to my life because now I see what I was truly made for; an unbroken and unhindered relationship with God. I'm also to remain in the world however long and not be a part of it.
One thing I have to ask. How does God's name protect us? What kind of "protect" is Jesus talking about? He says protection from the evil one. I wonder...when I make a claim to know God and to be building a relationship with Him, those moments I decide to be a part of the world instead of be apart from it, does the name no longer protect? The unity God so desperately wants between us and Him and His people, does it all break down when we look the same as the world instead of apart from it? I read something in my studies: "Loss of holiness is a loss of joy and truth, and too often results in a complete casualty in the battle." How can unity stand in the moments I fall down to the earthy things and worship them by desiring what makes me feel good for a moment, those deceivingly attractive lures of the enemy? What happens to the church? How can God protect me by the power of His name when I don't take joy in the relationship He came to establish with me, at the sacrifice He made for me? God forgive for spitting in your face too!
It's time to live differently. When the enemy is around the corner, I must attack him. Take joy in the relationship God paid for with His Son. Jesus set Himself apart from the world at the ultimate price so that I can be too. How can I get set apart? Well, sanctification comes from truth. God's word is truth. How do I know what God wants? Listen to His word. He tells me how to do it. His word sets me apart. And His word helps me develop that relationship He came to begin.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Living Eternally
Weird title, I know. But I can't help it. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what God has in mind for this blog as a whole, but I have to share with you more than just what's going on in my life. God is a big part of my life and I give Him total credit to who I am now. He has used many people as I've grown up and through work to guide me into a closer walk with Him. But it's because of Him that I'm here. Without Him I am nothing. I have found my identity in Christ so I must share what He's teaching me.
My study today has let me to John 17. I only got through the first five verses. There's too much to ignore and not say anything. I'm going to attempt to not get into a huge theological discourse on some of these statements, but keep to what must be done as a Christ-follower. Even though we might not agree on some of what these phrasings mean, we can agree on our purpose. So lets not spend time arguing but rather living and doing the Word. But if we have to talk about some of these things, I'm not opposed.
Jesus mentions that He will give eternal life to all those given Him. What I want to point out is what He says eternal life is. Verse 3:
I have had a struggle this past year with materialism. I wanted to move to a nicer house, something that I think would fit our family better. In one month we doubled our debt because life got in the way of us getting out. Our basement flooded, our windows broke, and my grandmother passed away. All of these things caused stress. Wouldn't they to you? I could justify it that way, but then I ready that I am not of this world. Why should I stress? Sorrow comes and goes and so does happiness. But the joy that runs deeper comes from my focus on the eternal that has been given to me because I believe in Jesus Christ. I know Him! And if that is eternal life, then I can start now living eternally and not focusing on these earthly pains.
This is so very real.
My study today has let me to John 17. I only got through the first five verses. There's too much to ignore and not say anything. I'm going to attempt to not get into a huge theological discourse on some of these statements, but keep to what must be done as a Christ-follower. Even though we might not agree on some of what these phrasings mean, we can agree on our purpose. So lets not spend time arguing but rather living and doing the Word. But if we have to talk about some of these things, I'm not opposed.
Jesus mentions that He will give eternal life to all those given Him. What I want to point out is what He says eternal life is. Verse 3:
Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.Wow. I thought eternal life was living forever and never dying. I'm sure that's part of it. But there's something awesome about this. We can start living eternally right now! Here we are, living in this world, not even noticing God but seeing with our eyes and believing through our actions and thoughts that this all we are. We live for the next paycheck, the promotion, to have children, for relationships, for the job, for a phone call, to please someone else, in pursuit of happiness and we miss what's truly real because all we can focus on is the material, what we see and touch. Eternal life is given to me and to you, if you believe, because Jesus completed His work. Eternal life is access to something we've never had access to before: a real relationship with God. A One on one time with Him anytime of the day as often as we want.
I have had a struggle this past year with materialism. I wanted to move to a nicer house, something that I think would fit our family better. In one month we doubled our debt because life got in the way of us getting out. Our basement flooded, our windows broke, and my grandmother passed away. All of these things caused stress. Wouldn't they to you? I could justify it that way, but then I ready that I am not of this world. Why should I stress? Sorrow comes and goes and so does happiness. But the joy that runs deeper comes from my focus on the eternal that has been given to me because I believe in Jesus Christ. I know Him! And if that is eternal life, then I can start now living eternally and not focusing on these earthly pains.
This is so very real.
Someone Else Is Speaking
Wow, it's been a long time! This new year has gotten a lot of new things on my mind. One in particular is this blog. It will be moving. I have a domain name that I'll be using for this and I'll announce it when it gets moved. The design work for the new site isn't complete yet, so I'm going to work with this one for a while.
I remember posting something about that prayer we all pray and it goes something like this: "Jesus, show me more of You. I want to know more of You." Normally we pray that prayer and do nothing about it. We don't look into the Word of God to see Jesus, and we often pray it after we're done with our quiet time (if you have one) or during communion. Don't get me wrong, it's a legitimate prayer if you mean it. It's necessary and important that we all pray that. But what we doing to get to know Him better?
John 16 has a neat account of Jesus with His disciples. It's almost time for Jesus to make His move on sin and death to conquer it. He begins talking about the Holy Spirit, the Helper He'll send after He goes back to the Father. One verse rings out a little more to me with what I'm resolving to do this year in my relationship with God. Verse 14:
Well, my prayers have changed. It's why I'm blogging again. Before I spend time reading and searching God's Word, I'm going to ask God to speak through His Holy Spirit so He make known to me more of Himself. Join me in listening for Him.
I remember posting something about that prayer we all pray and it goes something like this: "Jesus, show me more of You. I want to know more of You." Normally we pray that prayer and do nothing about it. We don't look into the Word of God to see Jesus, and we often pray it after we're done with our quiet time (if you have one) or during communion. Don't get me wrong, it's a legitimate prayer if you mean it. It's necessary and important that we all pray that. But what we doing to get to know Him better?
John 16 has a neat account of Jesus with His disciples. It's almost time for Jesus to make His move on sin and death to conquer it. He begins talking about the Holy Spirit, the Helper He'll send after He goes back to the Father. One verse rings out a little more to me with what I'm resolving to do this year in my relationship with God. Verse 14:
He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.Are we asking God to speak through His Holy Spirit into our lives? If it's through the Holy Spirit He makes Himself known to us, why haven't I prayed that prayer? I spend so much time talking about Jesus and He's told me His method of revealing Himself to me, and I haven't asked Him to do that. You can call it splitting hairs, but aren't we all a little guilty in putting the Holy Spirit in the back seat, not giving enough importance to Him as the revealer of Christ and God's will for our lives? His role is glorify Christ. That's why Jesus sent Him. He is to help us glorify Christ. If that power is living within us, have we suppressed it by not asking God to use Him to disclose the Father to us? Have suppressed the Holy Spirit because we want to do things ourselves instead of stepping out in faith, obeying God because it's the right thing to do? We know what He wants, but we're not really listening. We're Americans. We're independent. We're right. We've messed up.
Well, my prayers have changed. It's why I'm blogging again. Before I spend time reading and searching God's Word, I'm going to ask God to speak through His Holy Spirit so He make known to me more of Himself. Join me in listening for Him.
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