Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Assurance of Hope

This post was begging for the title, "The Audacity of Hope" but it was taken by a book. I thought it better to label it differently. However, I'm going to attempt to talk about what true hope is compared to what it is not, and what comes from it. There are many forms of hope in our lives, aren't there? But true hope is found beyond our desires and comes from a different place than some wishful outcome. There is only one hope that matters. (that's a bold statement)

Think about a hope you have. Here's a few examples: "I hope..."

  • she/he calls me back.
  • my kids do well in school.
  • I don't get hurt.
  • they go to prison.
  • they get a ticket.
  • I get the job!
  • I win!
  • we have a girl!
  • remember.
  • the house doesn't burn down while we're gone.
All these "hopes" are found in complete helplessness of our circumstances. And lets face it, all hopes are. Hope puts us in a place where we can do nothing about the situation in some cases. The outcome is what the outcome becomes. Many times hope begins because we've placed the outcome in someone else's hands. And we're not always to fond of that idea. But what if there was an assurance in this helpless form of hopelessness? When hope doesn't simply have a wishful outcome, but a destined outcome, hope brings more to our lives because it's true. Even if that kind of hope is placed in someone else's hands, I can rest in it a lot easier.

The Truth is found in the message of the gospel. Hope is found in none other than Jesus Christ. The message of hope comes from the good news that there is One in whom we all can place our trust. Colossians 1:5 says that it is stored up in heaven and comes from the gospel. It originated in heaven, came to earth, and is now found in Christ. This kind of hope is sure. This kind of hope is true. There is no wishful outcome, but only a destiny predetermined by the only God who wants all of us to have a chance to know Him on a personal level. 

There are two things that come from this hope (Colossians 1:4). One is faith in Christ Jesus. The other is love for God's people. This is genuine stuff. Faith isn't something based on a blind decision, but on the facts of Jesus and what He's done for us and is continuing to do in us because we believe in Him and the message of the gospel. Love isn't something fleeting that runs on emotions or a pursuit of happiness, but is deeper and founded in the Truth; humble and unconditional in affection and action, desiring the betterment of others instead of ourselves. 

This is the true hope. This is the hope that comes with an assurance that can't be broken or moved. The destiny of those in this hope have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The practical part of this hope is challenging for me. I've noticed that if this fruit of faith and love aren't evident in my lifestyle, my hope has moved from Jesus to something else much less true. But living in the hope that I have because of Jesus, a hope placed in the hands of the Creator of the universe (which is a much better place to rest it in), creates through me fruit that makes a difference, based on a immoveable foundation of Truth. That's what I want. 

This is the hope that the world finds utterly audacious, which is why I wanted to title this differently. But I've found no reason not to believe. And the more I've come to know this hope, the stronger my foundation has become. Tomorrow's post will deal with the second half of this hope and how to live it out in a world that just doesn't understand. But hope comes from the assurance of the believer's destiny because of Christ. 

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