Monday, April 09, 2012

Praying For Leaders

Alright, this is something that I hardly every do. And I think out country overlooks this verse quite a bit. How often do we pray for those in authority over us? 1 Timothy 2 tells us to pray, to intercede, and be thankful for our leaders. In some cases, that can seem pretty hard to do if we don't like their form of leadership. But even if we're not all that thankful for them, do we pray for them at all?

There are plenty of leaders absorbed with their power. It's their downfall. It's a curse and a hindrance to good leadership, to wholesome oversight. Our leaders have a responsibility that we've entrusted to them to protect us, to allow us to live in the freedom our country's constitution declares. Some have abused their power to force an agenda of their own ideology. Most politicians do. But a good leader looks out for the welfare of all their constituents, and provides avenues for success in their lives. A good leader gives people the freedom to become and do what they aspire to.

For those of us who are believers, a good leader grants us freedom to worship God the way we see fit, the way we understand the Bible to say. And I believe that it is our duty to be sure it remains that way. But I also believe that we're not praying enough about it. I know I don't. We're supposed to pray for them so we may "live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." If God wants us to know Him, He surely wants our leaders to as well. If we're not praying for them, their minds will be clouded and they'll abuse the authority they have. We'll lose our freedom. It won't be peaceful.

Imagine a government showered in prayer! Imagine a freedom to live peacefully without fear of persecution! Can you imagine the freedom going away? It's time to stop the arguing about who's leading what and begin action that brings us to our knees. Pray for their salvation! Pray for holiness! Pray for an overwhelming knowledge of the truth to overtake our government! Jesus died for them too.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Hey, email me your phone #, neither of the email addresses I had for you worked..