Tuesday, October 02, 2012

an heir

How many believers understand that we are heirs to receive all that God has? God has made us heirs. He adopted us through the death and resurrection of His Son. All that God has we will receive. How does that make you feel?

I still struggle with some earning issues, as though I am some kind of slave to God. Not a good slave, but one who feels like love or appreciation must be earned. I do things to make God happy with me, to earn His favor. 

Did you notice that an attitude like that has no surrender attached to it? No gratitude? There's a sense of fear involved. And not the good kind of fear. It's a fear that's based in a misunderstanding of Who God really is and how He really feels about us. It distances His love to something kept at an arms reach instead of allowing ourselves to be held within His arms. It makes less of the love God displayed through the death of His only Son, Jesus.

My children are once again teaching me what it means to be a father, and in turn, shows me more of the character of God I want instilled in my life. My children don't have to do anything to earn my love. I've given it to them freely. They don't have to earn eating my food, sleeping in my house, or clothes or any basic provisions. Everything I've given them is exactly what they need. Anything above the needs they have they can live without. They don't present gifts to me in order to earn my favor, but because they love me. How come my attitude with God is different than that?

The question is, why do I feel like I have to earn anything from God when He has already given me everything He has in Christ? We fight for what we hope to become. We think we have to overcome sin and temptation on our own. When we mess up, we call it "being human," which a mistake. We aren't only human, we're the children of God with the presence of His Holy Spirit living within us. We've got a big Father. And being an heir means that all God has belongs to us.

Let me put it this way... In times of frustration, we can call on His patience. In moments of conflict, we can use His peace to get through. In times of need, we can recognize His provision as the Provider. When we've been wronged, we can find strength in Him to forgive. When we're tempted, we have His Word to pull us through. People are untrustworthy, but He is faithful. When we lack the ability to stand, we can call on the faith He's given us to be strong. 

Each moment of sorrow and pain is another moment in which God gives us more of Himself in order to overcome. Each time we face opposition is another opportunity to receive more of the inheritance of Jesus. Sure it may hurt. But being a child of His, an heir of God's Kingdom, means this world doesn't hold anything in comparison to what we're receiving from Him. 

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